Futures Pedagogical Resources

The WFSF is aware of the complex, critical, accelerating and inter-dependent nature of rapid change across the planet and recognises the value for all planetary citizens in understanding the forces that shape the future, as well as our individual and communal roles in shaping our possible futures.

In this light the WFSF Online Centre for Pedagogical Resources in Futures Studies takes a broad view of futures pedagogy. It intends to integrate a wide range of pedagogical resources for teaching and learning about futures studies. The resources being created within this project can be utilised in manifold ways by diverse communities of practice depending on their particular needs.

What is Futures Pedagogy?

From this broad perspective futures pedagogy can include several meanings.

  • The teaching and learning of futures studies concepts and methods at university level for the purpose of furthering the academic research within the futures field;
  • The teaching and learning of futures studies concepts and methods at university level for the purpose of professional development of foresight practitioners;
  • The teaching and learning of futures studies concepts and methods at university level for the purpose of introducing futures perspectives into all courses of study;
  • The teaching and learning of futures studies concepts and methods at university level for the purpose of teacher education to assist educators to introduce futures thinking into school education;
  • The teaching and learning of futures studies concepts and methods within school education in ways appropriate to children’s development;
  • The broader notion of futures of education, including futures of universities and futures of schooling;
  • The broader notion of cultural pedagogical practice (Giroux), which includes the influence on the enculturation of young people through the wider cultural milieu, including the mass media;
  • The broader notion of professional lifelong learning whereby futures researchers, teachers and practitioners can self-direct their ongoing professional development through open access teaching commons;
  • The broader notion of open access teaching commons whereby all planetary citizens can potentially access resources to assist them in understanding the forces that shape our possible futures;
  • The broader notion of democratisation of knowledge in which potentially all planetary citizens can understand and have a role in shaping planetary futures through open access teaching commons

Initial Categories for Futures Pedagogy Resources and Exemplars

The following catagories are under development and represent a kind of proto-taxonomy based on the first influx of futures pedagogical material that has come to us from our own WFSF members. As more material is contributed to the database, we will be able increase the categories and refine the taxonomy. The highlighted items listed under the following categories can be downloaded directly but will eventually be entered into the MERLOT database. Over time as the OCPR grows, and many more materials are actually entered into the MERLOT database these categories will become potential search categories along with additional keywords.

Listed underneath in "Additional Proposed Categories still awaiting Exemplars", are additional suggested categories for which we do not yet have submitted material. If you have futures pedagogical material that could be classified under any of these categories please refer to "Community of Practice" for information on how to contribute resources to this project via the database.

If you wish to suggest other categories, please contact the Project Coordinator and your suggestions will be considered to create new categories.

Agriculture and Food

Hughe's International Futures syllabus

Children and Youth

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Economics, wealth distribution, business

Hughe's International Futures syllabus

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Strategic Planning syllabus

Varnagy's Syllabus II (Hungarian)

Education, Teaching and Learning

Milojevic's 2005 Syllabus1 ( subcategories: "educational futures" and "future of education")

Milojevic's 2005 Syllabus2 (subcategories: "future of education")

Gidley's Educational Futures publications ("future of education")

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Intro to Future Studies syllabus


Hughe's International Futures syllabus

Environment and Natural Resources

Hughe's International Futures syllabus

Future Studies (General Discipline, incl. History, Classics of Futures Thinking)

Cole's Dare to Dream

Jone's POL Syllabus

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Intro to Future Studies syllabus

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Futures Research Framework syllabus

Varnagy's Syllabus (Hungarian)

Global Issues and Globalization

Hughe's International Futures syllabus

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

University of Houston-Clear Lake's World Futures syllabus

Health (Including Mental Health) and Medicine

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Integrative (Integral/Holistic) Theories and Paradigms

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Local (National, Regional, Ethnic) Futures

Hayward's Strategic Foresight Monograph


Cole's Dare to Dream

Cole's Global Issues and Futures Studies Paper ("issues" and "tools")

Gidley's Educational Futures publications ("tools" and "issues")

Hayward's Strategic Foresight Monograph

Hughe's Art of Forecasting syllabus

Hughe's International Futures syllabus

Jone's POL Syllabus

Miller's 2005 Reform vs. Strategy ("tools")

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Learning Outcome Definitions

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Futures Research Syllabus ("tools", "research")

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Futures Research Framework syllabus("tools", "research")

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Strategic Planning syllabus

Varnagy's Syllabus (Hungarian)

Varnagy's Syllabus II (Hungarian)

Morals (Ethics), Values, and Culture

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Lombardo's Marriage, Evolution, and the Future workshop

Personal Futures (Enhancement of Futures Related Personal Capacities)

Lombardo's Marriage, Evolution, and the Future Article

Lombardo's Marriage, Evolution, and the Future workshop

Wheelwright's personal futures workbook

Psychology and Consciousness

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Religion and Spirituality

Gidley's Educational Futures publications

Social Issues (including relationships, marriage, family)

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Pro-Seminar syllabus

University of Houston-Clear Lake's Social Change syllabus


University of Houston-Clear Lake's Pro-Seminar syllabus

Additional Proposed Categories still awaiting Exemplars

Aesthetics, Art, Media, Music, Entertainment

Cities and Urbanization



Leadership, politics and governance

Peace and Conflict (including crime and war)



Science and Technology

Science Fiction


Broader Research Related to Futures Pedagogical Practice

As we collaboratively develop this Online Centre, we will also be gathering additional (not necessarily pedagogical) research related to the above categories.

This broader research will be accessible under Leading Edge Research.

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Futures Education Wiki

We would like to create a Futures Education Wiki but this requires the work of a Community of Practice. Please request to join from the site and help us to create this planetary collaborative project.